Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Stick Jump, The Game Revolution.

Stick jump is going to sweep across the globe as the next great game! 'What is this game revolution that I have never heard of?' you ask. Well I am glad you asked. Here is how you play:

Step 1. Gather sticks, big straight sticks are best, maybe 10-15

Step 2. Gather friends, I don't know how to do this one. Maybe go to a club and yell over the music that you are playing stick jump outside and anyone who wants to play should join you. Then you can assume all the smokers outside want to play and because of their puny lung capacity you will have a good chance of winning!

Step 3. Arrange sticks in a straight line about 1m apart, (kinda like train sleepers)

Step 4. Run through the sticks with one and only one step in between each stick. Each person in the group does this and the last person takes a mighty leap at the end. Mark where the last person landed.

Step 5. Take one of the sticks already in play (not the first stick though) and place it where the last person landed.

Step 6. Repeat until people can no longer make the jumps.

Here is a picture to explain

As you can see, you keep some narrow more technical parts and you get some areas where you need to take massive strides. 

Sometimes it can be cool to leave a narrow bit in the middle so people have to slow down and then make massive jumps at the end.

The winner is the person who makes it when no one else can.  Towards the end if you take the wrong stick out it can make it impossible so sometimes a third party needs to step in to make the course more difficult without making it impossible for all players.

So I give you the game that will take over the world STICK JUMP.  Unfortunately there is nothing that I can make money off in this game; all you need is sticks and grass and since I don't sell either of these I am not going to make millions.

Maybe when it takes off I can start selling official merchandise like 'official sticks' and stick jump shirts.  Currently my family competes for a stick that we have kept from our first game.   I am seriously considering coating it in gold when I am super rich.

Below is the first official picture of stick jump in action.  That is me in the game.  I came second to my brother who is super springy. My family is in the background.

May the stick be with you.

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