Well it is a pretty simple calculation:
The average Australian life expectancy, google says, is 81.7 and a quick search informs me that as a 23 year old I can expect another 56.88 years (61.31 if i were female). For simplicity sake I am just going to go with 81.7 from this point on. So:
How many days is 81.7 years?
81.7 x 365.25 = 29841 (lets say 30 thousand)
how many hours?
29841 x 24 = 716 182 (round down to 700 thousand)
how many min?
716 182 x60 = 42 970 932 (43 million)
how many seconds
42 970 932 x 60 = 2.5 billion
So since I wasted my day I wasted 1/30 000th of my life.
Naturally I started to wonder. If I brush my teeth twice a day for 2 min as I was recommended, how much of my life will I waste brushing my teeth?
The answer: 1/360th
Visually represented with a twelve hour cycle of a clock, I spend 2 min of my 12 hour life brushing my teeth!!! (If I had 12 hours to live I probably would brush my teeth cause I hate the feeling when you don't brush your teeth.)
Or what about If I veg out on the couch when I get home and watch four hours of TV?
In one sitting I can waste 1/179 045 of my life.
On the clock that doesn’t amount to much:
After a little more time playing with the numbers I realised that I probably have watched near every episode of the Simpsons. To date there are 510 episodes with an average run time of 22min. So almost 1/4000th of my life expectancy I have spent watching the Simpsons.
And it just dawned on me now that I've recently signed a contract for 38 hours of work a week for 48 weeks of next year. That means I just signed away 1/400th of my life.
Well that’s all for now, I hope it was an interesting milli second of your 12 hour clock..